Welcome to R.M. of Craik No. 222
The R.M. is located in South Central Saskatchewan situated between the cities of Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw. The R.M. represents a planning area of approximately 885.41 square kilometres. The Town of Craik and the Village of Aylesbury are located within the R.M. Boundaries. Highway 11 runs through the R.M. allowing easy and safe access to the North and South. The R.M. also has two pipelines, namely Enbridge and Alliance that run across the southern part of the municipality, mixed farming is the majority of the land base use in the municipality. The R.M. has 2 subdivisions located within the municipality, the Eco-Village and Serenity Cove. The Eco-Village was a pilot project that was started in 2001 to encourage an Eco-friendly and sustainable way of life, the subdivision includes both residental and commercial properties. Serenity Cove began in 2009 and is a resort subdivision, located on the Arm River and is adjacent to the Craik Golf Course. There are some residents that live there full time, but most are seasonal. There is a Regional Park and a 9-Hole Golf Course for recreational activities within the R.M.
As of December 31,2024 all outstanding accounts will be transfered to the Tax Roll for next year.
Upcoming Events
R.M. of Craik No.222 Council Meetings 2024
Visit the Town of Craik Website
Click Here for a comprehensive list of available Grants 2023-2024.
To Report a CONTROL BURN CALL: When reporting a Control Burn you will be asked the following questions:
Mission Statement
The R.M. of Craik No. 222 recognizes that our people are our most valuable resource. We wish to support and maintain the rural lifestyle of the Rural Municipality while encouraging economic growth through attracting new opportunities and enhancing the existing agricultural sector.